株式会社 ズルフィカール モーターズ
Jun 26 2020

Steps to Follow to Lower the Car's Engine Temperature


A few years ago it was quite common to make several stops during a long trip, especially in summer. Cars of yesteryear weren't as ready as they are now, and a journey of several hours without air conditioning could be tedious, to take one example. The cooling systems were also not as advanced and it used to be that the vehicle overheated. Although it is not so common anymore, we are going to talk about some tricks to lower the temperature of the car's engine. Because there is still the possibility that the mechanics overheat due to the malfunction of some element. There can be quite a few causes for this problem, therefore it is important to consult a professional if it occurs repeatedly. However, to get out of a hurry, we are going to talk about some actions that will help lower the engine temperature. They can be applied when the needle marks above its ideal location or when there is evidence that it is hotter than it should be.

Nothing to Stop the Engine Suddenly:

When the temperature gauge exceeds the limits, the tendency is to stop the engine suddenly by turning off the vehicle. And the truth is that it is not the best option. In this way, the cooling system is also switched off and is only left at the mercy of the ambient temperature. In this case, the valves could seize up and the cylinder head gasket could crack.

Turn off the Air Conditioning:

Wearing the air conditioner is also a burden on the car, an extra effort when the temperatures are high outside. So turning it off will reduce activity and help cool down the mechanics.

Put the Heating:

Following the same principle as in the previous point, setting the heating could help lower the temperature of the mechanics. The heat in the engine compartment is transferred to the passenger compartment and this desired effect is achieved. Of course, better to do it from the outside of the stopped car so as not to cook.

Use the Accelerator Well:

With the car stopped, we can help a drop in temperature by putting the engine in neutral and giving a few gas shots with the accelerator. In this way, it would help the water pump and the fan to work forcefully. In areas of traffic jams and stops, avoid sudden accelerations, and take advantage of the engine brake.

Radiator Fan Status:

One of the main causes of car overheating is that the radiator fan is not working properly. It can be easily checked by checking the coolant level in the expansion tank. If the fan is stopped, the motor must be turned off, otherwise, the temperature will continue to rise. It is important not to open the cap of the expansion tank with the hot car, as it could jump boiling water and cause serious burns. To force it on, a bridge can be made between the thermocontact contacts, which is the valve located on the side of the radiator. It is used to connect the fan when a certain temperature is exceeded and by removing the two cables at the thermocontact terminals it will start. In this way, the mechanics can lower the temperature.

Fill Coolant:

If the above has not worked, the coolant may have evaporated from the excess temperature. In this case, it must be filled , always with the engine cold. Just open the cap of the expansion vessel and gradually add it. It is recommended to do it with the engine started so that the refrigeration circuit is in operation and can be filled whole, with the engine stopped it will not reach all parts. These are some tricks that could help you get out of trouble in the event of a spot overheating, but if the problem persists, you have to take the car to a mechanic so they can solve it. Forcing the motor could result in more serious and costly breakdowns.

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