株式会社 ズルフィカール モーターズ
Jan 27 2022

Causes & Solution of Vehicle Engine Heating Fast


You must know, overheating car engines are one of the risks that threaten vehicle owners. In fact, the car engine is the main mover in a vehicle. This hot engine problem is commonly found in older cars. However, that does not mean that new cars are not prone to this problem. If the car is not cared for properly or used carelessly, overheating will also occur in the new car engine. Hot engine problems are often attributed to the negligence of the car owner who does not routinely carry out regular maintenance. Don't underestimate the heat engine problem. if you experience this, get ready to spend big enough to fix it.

For that, you also need to know information about the causes of car engine overheating. This is the cause:

1. Dry Radiator:

If the engine starts to overheat, try checking your car's radiator. It's possible to run out of dry because it ran out of radiator water or coolant. There are two factors that cause dry radiators, namely a leaking radiator circulation system and engine temperature that evaporates. If the liquid in the radiator tank shrinks, even until it runs out, the cooling process is difficult, causing the car engine to overheat. The function of the radiator is to keep the engine temperature stable by sending coolant to the engine. Each radiator must have smooth circulation. If there is an obstruction in the radiator, the coolant cannot be channeled to the engine properly, causing the engine to heat up.

2. Radiator Hose Leaks:

This is one of the most common problems. The problem of leaking or damaged radiator hoses is also caused by the use of ordinary water or dirty water so that over time the radiator components will be porous one by one. The solution to the leaky radiator hose problem is to replace it with a new hose. It is not recommended to use the car if the radiator hose is leaking. Make sure the problem has been resolved before the car is used again.

3. Water Pump Broken:

On each radiator, there is a component called a water pump. As the name implies, the component has a function as a radiator water pump so that the circulation goes well. With this component, the water can continue to rotate throughout the radiator. If the water pump is damaged, the coolant cannot be distributed so there is no cooling in the engine, causing the engine to overheat. The possibility of this component being damaged is small, it usually occurs in old cars because it is rusty or the lock is broken. One way to solve the problem of a damaged water pump is to replace it with a new one. There is also a possibility that the damage is only in the lock. If that's the case, just replacing the lock will suffice.

4. Fan Motor Not Working:

This fan motor is like a fan in general, dissipating heat in the engine. That way, the engine temperature is maintained. If the fan motor dies, what happens is that there is no longer any gust of wind to cool the coolant in the radiator. As a result, the engine temperature is getting hotter. In addition, heat will accumulate in the engine, and this temperature will overpower the heat absorption of the coolant from the radiator, so engine cooling does not work properly. The only way to repair this damaged part of the fan is to replace it with a new fan at an authorized repair shop.

5. Thermostat Not Working:

The thermostat is an important component for every car to measure the temperature in the car's engine. This tool is directly connected to the car engine radiator cooling system. The way it works is simple. When the temperature in a car engine is cold, the thermostat regulates the circulation of cooling water by closing the valve and collecting coolant around the engine. If the engine temperature reaches 85 –90 degrees Celsius, the valve will open and flow cooling water back to the radiator. Open the lid of this thermostat valve is automatic. A faulty thermostat cannot detect engine temperature and regulate cooling water circulation. There is a possibility that the water does not flow when the engine temperature is hot. The only way to fix it is to replace a new one.

6. Poor Quality Oil:

Oil not only functions as a lubricant for engine components but also as a coolant. The heat generated from moving engine components is absorbed by the surrounding oil. This heat absorption will not occur if the oil used is of poor quality. Low-quality oil cannot withstand excessive heat so the oil evaporates, and the volume of the oil decreases, causing the engine to overheat. Therefore, the selection of quality oil in accordance with the specifications of the car is very important to do. Thus, the car's performance becomes more leveraged. In addition, periodic checks are also needed to avoid oil leaks.

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