株式会社 ズルフィカール モーターズ
Jan 01 2021

5 tips for a sparkling winter car wash


Regularly washing your car helps protect it from the elements of winter. Here are five tips to remember the next time you need to wash your car in the winter.

1. Wait for a sunny day:

Most car cleaners recommend using them when it is at least 10 degrees Celsius outside. This is quite difficult for most Canadians, as most of the winter season has temperatures below freezing.

  • If it's too cold, the cleaning formula could freeze on contact with your car and ruin the paint.
  • So, it is better to wait for a sunny and balmy day.
  • Leave your car outside for a few hours so that it can warm up in the sun.

2. Wait a few days after a storm:

Heavy snowstorms can leave your car in a bad state. But after the storm, your car can be further soiled by snow removal equipment.

  • Salt, mud and slush will make your car more dirty.
  • So wait a few days after the storm, when the snow has been picked up.
  • If you go to the car wash first, your car will get dirty as soon as you hit the road.

3. Dry your car well:

In winter, it is essential to dry your car thoroughly after washing.

  • With subzero temperatures, water can freeze on your car.
  • Don't risk ruining your painting. After washing your car, take a few minutes to dry it with a cloth.

4. Use high quality wax:

After cleaning your car, apply high quality wax to protect your car.

  • This will help keep your car clean throughout the winter, not to mention that it will shine brightly.
  • For best results, apply wax to your car at least once a month during the winter.

5. Use a waterless car cleaner:

You can clean your car without water using certain cleaning products specially designed for this purpose.

  • Find a product you can use below zero, then go inside.
  • Taking refuge in a covered garage will allow you to keep your car warm and sheltered from the wind.
  • If you don't have a garage, go to the mall or to an underground parking lot.

During the winter months, snow, salt, and dirt can eat away at your car's metal, chrome, and paintwork, which could cause serious rust problems. It is therefore important to wash your car during the winter.


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