Tokyo Feb 07, 07:16:25
London Feb 06, 23:16:25
New York Feb 06, 18:16:25
1 USD = 151.61 YEN 1 USD = 0.7999 GBP
1 USD = 0.9616 EUR 1 EUR = 159 YEN
The Leading Japanese Used Car Importer
株式会社 ズルフィカール モーターズ
Vehicles are sold in as is condition as they are pre-owned and recondition vehicle any fault in the engine or transmission would not be claimable
Customer will be liable for any damage during vehicle selection.
All the payments will be received in favour of M/S ZULFIQAR MOTORS through Pay Order/ Demand Draft.
Vehicle once sold cannot be returnable.
Vehicle and relevant documents will be delivered after the maturity of full payment.
All the documents should be counted and checked at the time of purchase.
There is no warranty period of the vehicle.
Entire vehicle (regarding electronics parts, A/C etc) would be checked at the time of physical delivery. The company will not be responsible after the delivery of vehicle.
Registration of vehicle will not be made in the name of Importer or M/S ZULFIQAR MOTORS.
STOCK IN-TRANSIT (Karachi-Lahore):
Once amount paid after the confirmation of vehicles is non-transferable or refundable.
After the vehicle conformation ZULFIQAR MOTORS PAKISTAN requires 50% of the total amount to be sent to the company�s bank & remaining 50% should be paid after the vehicle arrival at showroom.
Vehicles are sold in as is condition as they are pre-owned and recondition vehicle any fault in the engine or transmission should not be claimable.
The company shall deliver or make the vehicle available for collection at the Company's address stated at ZULFIQAR MOTORS PAKISTAN 871-C, Faisal Town, Main Maulana Shokat Ali Road, Lahore.
Any dates/times quoted for delivery/collection are approximate only, as some factors are outside of our reasonable control. Time shall not be of the essence unless agreed by both parties in writing. The company shall be entitled to levy reasonable storage charges having given notice to the purchaser that the vehicle is ready for collection.
Once amount paid after the confirmation of vehicles is non-transferable or refundable.
After the vehicle conformation ZULFIQAR MOTORS PAKISTAN requires 50% of the total amount (C&F / C.I.F) to be sent to the company�s bank & remaining 50% should be paid when vessel arrives at Karachi Port.
Special Discount will be offered to the customer if 100% amount is paid at the time of confirmation of the vehicle.
The payment should be paid in full before 10 days of arrival of the vessel at Karachi Port.
Property of goods/cargo will be retained by ZULFIQAR MOTORS PAKISTAN, and will pass onto the buyer/importer when the price payable to ZULFIQAR MOTORS PAKISTAN has been paid in full.
Furthermore, being used vehicles on the internet, we display the year model according to "MASHO" (Japanese certificate/first registration of the vehicle). Sometimes year of manufacture is different on the seat belt, please note we will not be responsible for that.
No documents will be released until all accounts have been cleared.
Special Discount will be offered to the customer if 100% amount is paid at the beginning.
Amount of vehicle will be received in US Dollars or any other local currency.
After the vehicle conformation ZULFIQAR MOTORS PAKISTAN requires 50% of the total amount to be sent to the company�s bank & remaining 50% should be paid immediately after the vessel leaves from Japan.
Confirmation is based on first come first serve and shipment is arranged after the first amount has received.
Important note: Please note that sometimes shipment delay may occur due to change in vessel names and dates, for this company is not responsible because it�s beyond company�s control.
The importer will be liable for any storage costs, any customs breach, all this incurrence will be deducted from the deposit made. The refund will be entertained when all the transaction is completed about the said vehicle.
After arrival of the ship at the port, if the accounts are not paid in full within two weeks from the date of arrival, it is understood and agreed that vehicles will be disposed off.
Property of goods/cargo will be retained by ZULFIQAR MOTORS PAKISTAN, and will pass onto the buyer/importer when the price payable to ZULFIQAR MOTORS PAKISTAN has been paid in full.
Furthermore, being used vehicles on the internet, we display the year model according to "MASHO" (Japanese certificate/first registration of the vehicle). Sometimes year of manufacture is different on the seat belt, please note we will not be responsible for that.
No documents will be released until all accounts have cleared.
Direct Auctions:
Service charges will be applied on direct purchase from auction.
We can arrange shipment for our customers and service charges will be applied.
In direct buying from auction company will not be responsible for any damage, delay etc.